Getting Un-Stuck from that Relationship, Job or Situation Where You Feel Captive
How many of us have had times in our lives where we've felt stuck in a situation in our lives that is no longer bringing us happiness and joy? I know I could raise my hand, both hands (and more hands than I have). It could be a job, a relationship, living conditions or any situation where we feel a captive. I found answers, or rather the right questions, in a seminar by John-Roger (J-R) called Nuclear Radiation from Ground Zero (the seminar is available here).
When you finally get sick and tired of being tired and sick, you can get to a place that J-R called ground point zero, where you are willing to pay the necessary price to get out of the situation. In that place, there is a new-clear energy that radiates. There is simple freedom and simple clarity.
Even if you haven’t reached that point yet, there are some questions you can ask yourself to get clarity. It may not solve your problem, but can give you a view point that is outside of your dilemma. Its an opportunity to be honest with yourself, so you can realize what it is that is stopping you from getting out of the situation and what it would be like if you were free of it.
Sometimes, just getting a greater understanding of where you actually are can start the process of change that you are looking for.
So here are the questions to ask yourself:
- If I didn’t have (job, experience, degree, trade, wife/husband, kids, parents etc), if I didn’t have any of the things I feel trapped by, what would I do?
- What is it that bothers me that makes me stay where I am when I feel a captive?
- What price am I willing to pay to get out of the situation I am in?
As you contemplate the answers to these questions, or possibly write them down, you can find a deeper understanding of yourself and the situation you are dealing with.You can listen to the Podcast on the subject on iTunes here or Google Play Music here