The Money Magnet: Magnetizing Yourself To Attract Money
Episode Notes
Magnetizing your Consciousness to Attract Wealth
The money magnet is simple yet effective tool to building greater wealth in alignment with spiritual principles. I learned it from my spiritual teacher, John-Roger, and now I’m going to share it with you. A lot of people seem to compartmentalize money separate from the spiritual aspects of their life. Surely, to have outer riches without inner wealth is leaves one with a sense of emptiness and lack. However, if you are reading this than you most likely are working towards greater inner wealth, and there is no reason why your outer wealth cannot be a reflection of your great inner wealth. Rather than try to separate our material life, there is an opportunity to integrate all aspects of our life into a higher way of living, including how we handle money.
The money magnet works by allowing your money to attract more money, and by your vibration being magnetized by this process and your money magnet so you attract greater abundance. You’ve probably heard the adage “It takes money to make money” or “the rich get richer, the poor get poorer”? These are just pointing to the principle that (generally speaking) like attracts like. You can see this by looking into the world. Usually, over time, those who are wealthy, gather in places where other wealthy people live. Luxury shops will open near other luxury shops. So how can we make this work for us?
Pay Yourself First
The first step is paying yourself first. Most people pay the rent, the bills, buy their groceries and maybe enjoy some entertainment…and then whatever is left over is theirs. We are going to turn that on its head and pay ourselves first. When you pay yourself first, you start building trust with the basic self or subconscious so that it realizes that you actually get something from all the hard work you are doing. You may find that you start attracting greater opportunity and are finding more ways to make money just because some part of you knows that it will benefit.
The magic number of how much to pay yourself is ten percent of whatever you bring home. Most people get a paycheck (often taxes may have been taken out already). It is ten percent of whatever you actually are paid or is deposited in your account, even if that’s after taxes. If you own a business, then it would be the amount your business actually pays you from the profits.
You pay yourself in cash. You don’t pay yourself with a check, that’s symbolic. You don’t put that money in a bank account, because now the bank makes money from your money. You don’t keep it in a safe deposit box because if the bank closes you don’t have access to it, and, again the bank now has your magnet… not you. That leads us to the next point.
Tangible, Accessible and Valuable
You keep your money magnet in tangible assets. Precious Metals (Gold/Silver) and cash are a good starting point. If you can’t trust yourself at first to not grab that cash that is on hand and spend it, then keep it in gold and/or silver. As you build your magnet, then add cash. As it gets larger and larger, there are other ways to use the magnet (some of which I go into in the podcast about the money magnet on iTunes here or listen below). The important thing to remember is that whatever you use your money magnet for needs to be tangible, accessible and valuable.
That’s the start. The most important way to know if this works is to do it!
Good luck!!!