
Monthly Focus Gathering: ACCEPTANCE

Free Live Online Event with Nat

Elevate your Life with the Monthly Focus

This month’s focus: Acceptance.

This free online gathering will support you in integrating acceptance into your everyday life by deepening your experience of acceptance.

Support yourself and others as you hold a shared spiritual focus each month.


Sunday, March 10th, 2024

2pm Los Angeles. | 5pm New York | 5pm Puerto Rico | 9pm London | 8am Sydney (+1 day)


Online | Zoom

How Long:

1 hour

What will we do:

Learn about the acceptance and how to use it with the Monthly Focus

Let go of our positions and the pressures of trying to control by way of a guided meditation on acceptance

Sharing and Q&A with Nat

How do you participate in the Monthly Focus?

1. Choose an area of your life, a relationship, a situation, or something “out there” in the world that you are having difficulty accepting as it is. It can be more broad such as “the world” or “myself”, or it could be something specific.

2. Describe in your journal the area/relationship/situation, and why you have chosen it, as well as any challenges you have.

3. Say this statement of acceptance at least once a day, and preferably whenever you think of it.

“I accept _______ as it is.”

You will fill in the blank with your chosen subject. For example: “I accept the corruption I see in my government as it is.” (Hard, isn’t it?). Or “I accept myself as I am.”

4. Track each day you do this on the tracking sheet (available to download here).

Print it up, write “Acceptance” in the left column, and mark in the box for each day you do the acceptance statement. You can also continue to do and track the previous monthly focuses.

5. At the end of the month, review and write down any shifts and changes to this particular situation or how you have changed inside towards it.

6. Join the online gathering

The first step to changing consciousness is acceptance. John-Roger called acceptance “the first law of Spirit.”

To be open to what is possible, you must first acknowledge what is present.

Acceptance is the process of letting go of the pressure of trying to control those things which are actually not in your control.

“We can accept those things that are not okay, that feel broken within us. We can accept the mistakes and foibles of our existence in these levels. Acceptance of something doesn’t mean we like it, it just means that we acknowledge what it is without judging that it should be different.” -from the book Transcending by Nathaniel Sharratt

Nathaniel Nat Sharratt Bordeaux France Black & White Smile

Why I’m Sharing These Tools and Why They Are So Valuable

I spent the early years of my life working by the side of a great mystic and educator, John-Roger, learning and practicing spiritual principles, and teaching the inner path of awakening. I got to have the experience of living a life of purpose and meaning.

The next phase of my life was spent in the business world. I missed the spiritual work that seemed so aligned with my purpose, and longed for the inspiration of feeling like my work was meaningful and not just a grind.

I had to find a way to bring that spark back into my life so that I didn’t live a life of “quiet desperation” as Thoreau called it.

I got to work persistently applying the tools that I had learned in those decades with my teacher. I was looking for tangible results in this “real world” environment. Eventually, I discovered the magic of life  again.

Once my awareness shifted, I realized greater purpose, fun, and fulfillment without needing to change my outer situation. I was so grateful for my life! Once I found the loving and happiness where I was, my outer life naturally shifted again.

It was a tumultuous time in my life, and required me to once again really apply all the tools that I had found to work, which proved to me further the effectiveness of what I share with you now.

My life and work changed to what it is now: living in the tropical paradise island of Puerto Rico, surfing world class waves in warm ocean water, and sharing how to integrate the principles and teachings of the Spiritual Heart into everyday life.

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